The Adventures of Lano and Woodley is a one-season comedy TV series starring Australian comedians Colin Lane and Frank Woodley. It is based around two guys who share a Melbourne apartment and have regular 'adventures' in their everyday life. Each episode starts with them losing a job and something triggering a problem which they attempt to solve throughout the episode. In my opinion, this is one of the funniest TV shows made in Australia.
Plot summaries for each episode can be found on The first two episodes have been summarised on as follows:
The Girlfriend
Frank admits to Col that he is a virgin, thus Col sees this as a chance to show up Frank, so he invents Jennifer his imaginary girlfriend. But what starts off a trick becomes a bit more serious when Frank starts feeling left out and decides to move back home.
One Simple Task
Frank and Col decide to go on a holiday, and whilst Col takes care of the main organisation, Frank has one simple task which he forgets to do, resulting in him making up a number of very original and outrageous excuses not to go on the holiday.
Here is an interview with Colin and Frank on the TV show Enough Rope:
Here is an interview with Frank Woodley on about a short animated film he wrote and directed.
Next year, I will have worked in the screen industry for 40 years, in
various capacities, from movie critic to screen rights buyer to producer
and writer...
2 months ago
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